Thursday, 27 August 2015

When do we feel like a grown up ?

Okay, so for a while now on my facebook feed it has been babies, people getting engaged, getting married and even people owning homes !!!

I find myself being rather judgemental and roll my eyes throughout it all, far too soon I keep telling myself. But recently it's been something I can't seem to get away from, as even one of my best friends keep talking about the possibility of having babies with her boyfriend !

I am 23 years old ( 24 in a few months ) *awkward monkey emoji* HOW did I get to 24 !!!
Seriously, I was at dinner last night with a friend and all of a sudden I just freaked out as the realisation hit me ... I'm 24 !!! I still don't feel adult, I asked my older friend when he started to feel like an adult, He's 26 edging onto 27 and even he said he feels like he's pretending the whole time .... and he's married !!!

I should tell you that as I am typing this post I am sat on my own sofa, having moved out from my parents at aged 19 ... ( some grown up points there ! ) However let me finish, sat on my sofa, singing along to girls aloud and eating Haribo green apple sour spaghetti ... Oh look there's that awkward monkey emoji again haha !!

I don't know when I am going to start to feel " adult " legally I am, I have done lots of adult things ! I have lost my virginity, had a boyfriend(s), I have gone on holiday with my friends, I have flown alone across the country ( just the flight haha ), I have had my heart broken ( too many times ) I have had a job since I was 16, and I am old enough to realise that even though it hurts you may grow apart from your old childhood / teenage friends, even though you thought you'd be friends for life. Because as you get older people DO change !

Yet I still buy alcohol in shops / bars and wonder " Am I going to get away with this " Though I have been legal for nearly 6 years ! When I am out with my friends gossipping over dinner and wine, I still think that I am playing adult and I should be on the Hills, The only way is Essex or Sex and the city.

I still don't drive, ( not through lack of trying, failed 3 times and I am now taking a break from it ) I am not even in a relationship anymore, never mind getting engaged, babies ... don't even ! Owning my own home ? Are you kidding ? I am almost 5k in debt as I was so so stupid on my credit cards, and don't even have anything to show for it ! I am wasting sooo much money renting so there's no chance of saving ! *shoots self*

Can anyone relate to this ? I don't even have a conclusion for this blog, I don't know what too say, I'm having a almost middle 20's crisis ! I need help !! ... I quit !!!! Where's that damn monkey emoji !!


  1. It is easy to feel older - just return to your old school and look how small the children are, and try to remember when you were that small and young.
    But to feel like an adult, well, that depends on your definition of "adult," doesn't it? Most likely it will happen when you start to be responsible for a spouse and/or children. You will find that the self-centered mindset that most of us have as we grow up has changed, because now your actions affect the others in your life in ways you couldn't imagine.
    It will happen before you know it, so let it happen naturally. Instead of trying to feel like an adult now, just do the things you want and need to do, live your life, and enjoy yourself. Doing "adult things" will get you there, when the time is right.

    1. Yeah it can be kinda tough BUT there is no rules on what age you "HAVE TO" get married or do whatever..enjoy your life....only get one!
