So I have this friend who has been my friend with benefits for the past 5 years, very reliable and is always there when I need him, sexually of course, I don't even fully understand what he does for a job, never mind his starsign, I have never managed to pull of casual sex, I am the girl who will sleep with you, keep on thinking about you, convince myself I need to see you again, and even worse, convince myself that you actually want to be with me, and create this fantasy romance, when in reality you're probably telling all your friends about this clingy needy girl who you had great casual sex with.
However, for some reason with *Greg things were different, Somehow I have managed to be as causal as it comes with him, I think it's because I dated him first, we went on three dates I believe, there was ZERO chemistry, but the sex wasn't too bad, lets be honest, even when sex is bad it's still pretty damn good ... and lets be extra honest, a guy doesn't only have one tool he can use if you know what I mean, and those other tools .... WOW !! Lets just say there's a reason he's been in my life for 5 years.
So throughout my life after various breakup's, times when I'd just be plain and simple, and there's no lady like way to say this, horny ! He'd be there. Even just for a quick little pick me up ! The amount of nights he'd come round mine extra early before work, or pick me up after work, or some nights we'd even take a real late night drive and find somewhere to park up, he'd be there. For several years whenever one of us would text each other we knew that after asking the obligatory question " are you single ? " It would be game on ! I've definitely slept with him several times a year, sometimes several months apart, but several times a year all the same.
So three nights ago we were taking one of our late night drives, those drives are always very fun for us both, I decided to do a little light stalking, I've often stalked him before, as any girl does. No judgement.
I've always seen the same boring posts, football ... football ... night out ... football, angry rants, and oh more football ! Nothing exciting, this time was no different. I was just about to close down my laptop when I noticed a girl on his facebook who had him in her profile picture, I had a little stalk, I noticed that they were in quite a lot of pictures together, never any kissy photo's but lots together. I saw she uploaded a picture from instagram, * Greg's instagram was always privet, never really thought anything of it, but this girls I could get access too.
My heart dropped. She was his girlfriend. Not only does he have a girlfriend, but he has been with her for 3 years, actually I shouldn't say girlfriend, as I have stumbled across another photo of them celebrating the fact that they got engaged, and according to instagram 11 weeks ago they moved into a new home together.
I just kept starting at the screen in disbelief, are you actually kidding me ? I knew he moved house about a year and a half ago, but he told me he was living with 2 other guy mates to help keep costs down, infact that night we went for a drive he even told me he might have a free house the following Saturday if I wanted to pop over, how the hell was he going to pull that one off !
Apart from me not going to his house apart from one time, there was no clue, He drove, I didn't, it just made sense for him to come to mine, some nights I didn't even let him in my house, my flatmate may have been a little too awake for my liking, or lets get real, perhaps my apartment was a little too messy for guests one evening, which is why we'd sometimes go cruising around in his car. Apart from that there were no signs, I'd see *Greg at all hours, any day, he seemed free as a bird.
I haven't confronted him yet as I have no idea what I'm going to do, I feel like telling this girl, if she's going to marry him she needs to know what a scumbag he is, but I don't want to be the reason this girls world completely falls apart. Going through a break up myself it is still very real and all too familiar to how a broken heart feels. Is ignorance bliss ? Also since I had a relationship of my own until 2 months ago, I don't have any evidence, I deleted all my photo's from the secret folder app,
( which we all have ). I also have a weird habit of deleting my messages constantly every night, So I really don't have any evidence, what am I meant to do, describe his bedroom antics and hope she believes me ? I have no feelings for this guy at all, but she might just think I want him for myself.
Talking of the dickhead, I just got a text from him saying he is staying in a hotel in London for a work meeting on Thursday night, Do I want to go up and take advantage of a free hotel room and stay with him ?
Poor girl, what shall I do ? I feel so so so bad, the only thing I can do is keep reminding myself that I had no idea, He told me he was single, there was no signs telling me otherwise, he's been with this poor girl for 3 years and has been sleeping with me for 5 years. What's the right and wrong thing to do here ? Oh and incase your wondering, of course I wont be meeting with him again either. I do wish I never knew though. he was a very good " friend " for the last 5 years, It feels like losing my favourite sex toy. *big sigh* ... Ann Summers anyone ?